
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

The marble jar

Last Thursday it was a normal day. We got ready to read but first we stood up and then something terrible happened. 

All the marbles fall out. It smashed into a thousand pieces marbles skaterd everywhere all over the room. 

So mr Blakey had to picked the pieces up carefully. If we had left the shattered glass on the carpet we would cut our feet on the sharp glass.


  1. Hi love your smash writing

  2. Your picture rooks central you might be a artest when you grow up 😀😄😊🎨🏵🏆🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨

  3. Hi Central, It's me Jaedah. I think your picture rocks too. I think you could be an artist in paris. Nice Work. Keep up the good work.
